• The key to exterminating bed bugs is killing their eggs--most dryers do not typically operate at a sustained temperature of 180 degrees Fahrenheit, which is critical for effective elimination of the eggs. Advanced Bed Bug Preparation guarantees this sustained temperature in our sterile, dedicated facility.

    We remove your items from your home for more effective extermination and store your items for as long as necessary to eliminate the risk of reinfestation. We do all that hard work so you don't have to.

  • Yes, however not recommended due to the meticulous level of preparation requirements necessary for effective bed bug treatment. Homeowners often attempt to do the work themselves and worsen the infestation or prolong treatments. Preparation work is exhaustive and requires a detailed time-extensive approach that could days to complete properly and to exterminator recommendations. Proper and complete preparation is the ONLY way to eliminate bed bugs with extermination. Advanced Bed Bug Preparation can have this work complete, in most cases, in one day. We expedite the process by transporting all laundry to our facility thus allowing for an exterminator to begin the treatments faster.

    Cleaning companies may not elect to clean homes with bed bugs due to risks of transferring them to staff and technicians. A cleaning company can remove household clutter and clean, but without proper training and complete preparation services that Advanced Bed Bug Preparation provide, an infestation can grow causing increased stress and anxiety. Cleaning the home will not be enough to eradicate the bugs. A complete preparation accompanied by professional extermination is recommended.

  • While the actual time processing the laundry is just a few days, we have found that our customers are not ready to have their items back immediately due to the preparation and extermination timing. This is entirely dependent upon the state of the home and the level of the infestation. A typical prep can take 1-5 days to complete. Because extermination treatment in the home can take several weeks or months to achieve desired results, we encourage our customers to take advantage of our storage solutions and not have their items returned until the coast is clear! We do of course deliver items as soon as customers request them back.

  • Yes, we do. However, we do remind our customers that our heat treatment process can be hard on delicate items. We ask that you do not give us items that you feel would not fare well at high heat. We will deliver and pick up applicable items at a preferred dry cleaning service for an additional service cost.

  • Bed bugs have been around for hundreds of years. Increased ways in which people are able to travel are causing surges in household and commercial infestations. Bed bugs are very easily spread and “hitchhike” from person to person, room to room, or household to household. They are experts at hiding. Bed bugs can be found in cracks and crevices that are difficult to see and treat. They reproduce and multiply very rapidly, allowing for a major infestation in as little as a few months. Most people are not reactive to bites initially or ever, allowing an infestation to take full swing prior to being noticed by the homeowner. The shame stigma around a bed bug infestation is very real. Most people are reluctant to indicate that they have them and reach out for help. At Advanced Bed Bug Preparation, we understand this stress and anxiety, and have the compassion and understanding to guide you through this difficult time.